Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Annoyed with Headaches

I am tired of having headaches. I seem to be getting them more lately. I don't know if it's stress related or something else. I think I maybe grinding my teeth at night like I did before I got braces. All I know is I'm tired of staying up with pain and taking medicine. I don't like to pop pills.

On a good note, no fever so I don't think it's the swine flu.

I'm excited about this weekend. I get to see a good chunk of my mother's side of the family, including my best friend/cousin Sarah. My cousin Mary Margaret is getting married, and any good Langlois wedding is always a LOT of fun!! We dance the night away (especially once the wine and beer kicks in). One of the waiters at my wedding told my mom that we were the "blackest bunch of white people" that he had ever seen. He meant that as a compliment and we took it as one!! I think it's also applicable as that side of the family is known for big butts!!

While I am excited about this weekend, I do have some dred. For one I have put on a good chunk of weight. Scott tells me he thinks I'm beautiful all the time, but I don't feel that way. And this is the side of the family that is very body image conscious. I found a great little black dress though!! I just hope no one says anything. My dad is the worst and it's the most aggravating because he is FAR more out of shape than I am and it's much more dangerous for him as he is over 50.

Another reason for the dred is that I am one of the few liberals in my family. Thanfully I'll have Sarah with me!! I don't mind intelligent debate. I enjoy it actually. But with my family it typically turns to fear mongering and name calling. And most of them are single-issue voters (abortion). I am very much pro-life, but for me I am a multi-issue voter and many of my issues are supported by the Democratic Party.

This is my first blog. I hope it's not too stupid or boring. It's probably going to be a lot like Zach Braff's character on Scrubs with his inner monologue. Oh well. Thus far I am finding it fun and therapeutic!

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