Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Totally Fabulous 80s Toys

With it the being the Christmas season, I have been thinking about my childhood and remebering all the toys that I loved. I also wonder if the Black Friday craziness and rush for the most desired toys occured then too. So anyways I found this website that includes all of my favorite toys and some of them have websites too!! I LOVE classic Care Bears, Strawberry Shortcake, My Little Pony, and Rainbow Brite. I just wanted to share this with all of my fellow children of the 80s. Enjoy!



Saturday, October 31, 2009

Disappointed with Halloween

Well this Halloween was not nearly as great as I had hoped it would be. I always LOVE Halloween. I love the spirit, getting dressed up, giving candy to the Trick or Treaters and seeing their costumes, and of course the Halloween specials. But this year, it just wasnt' the same. I think part of it is that the weather kept us from having a lot of trick or treaters. I also think that since I'm unemployed, I didn't get to see all of my students thinking about Halloween. Maybe I still in a funk. Who knows? Maybe it will be better once I have children of my own Granted that won't be for a few more years....but I wish it was sooner.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Horror Movie Ideas

So after seeing Paranormal Activity (which was a decent movie but made me sick as a dog) last night I decided that there are definitely horror movies that I prefer over others (as I am sure is the case for everyone). I don't really like horror movies as a genre, but there are a few. I mean I like a good scare like everyone else, but typically these movies have REALLY bad acting and lots of gorey effects. But in order these are the movies I like the least.

1) Possesion/Satanic Movies - Mostly because these give me nightmares. Wait hold on scratch that...

1) Zombie Movies (Dawn of the Dead, etc...)- I cannot STAND these movies. Plots horrible. Acting terrible. Way too much gore. And I just think that the overall concept was bad. The only acceptable one in recent history was I Am Legend. The rest STUPID and BAD!!

2) Coming in a close second - Possesion/Satanic Movies (Exorcist, Stigmata, etc...) - I guess I find these too scary. Probably because I do actually believe that demon possesion is possible. Not to the full cheesy extent that is in The Exorcist, but in general yes. I've nightmares where people I love (especially my kid brother Hudson) was possessed and I didn't sleep well for months. Ironically though one of my favorite TV shows is Supernatural. I guess because the good guys seem to always win. And Jenseen Ackles is SUPER hot!!

3)Serial Killers/Horror Movie Franchises (Friday the 13th, Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street etc...) - While the originals and the first sequel can be good, typically these get REALLY bad after the second one. My particular one that I find the most distasteful is the Saw movies. I saw the first one, HATED it and didn't want to see the rest.

4)Slasher/Teen Scream Movies (Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer, etc...) - These again can be ok. Just sometimes stupid, and fall into the franchise category. Often times these aren't that scary but so unbelievable that I start to laugh!!

5) Monster Movies/ Creature Features (Jaws, Dracula, Frankestein) - The older, classic ones are great!! Yes the effects are bad but it's the supsense, the story, the acting that makes them good. Not the gore. Most of the newer ones are too messy. And typically any movie that has a character eating everyone just turns out stupid (Anaconda, Lake Placid).

6) Thrilers (Hitchcock style, like Psycho) - While not totally in the horror genre, I like them. Scary but not to scary and good story. Acting alright - good. Writing is better (although can be predictable with the twists). That's what I like.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Lacking in Motivation

So I have no motivation. For a variety of things. However, the biggest one is to exercise and eat right. I REALLY want to lose weight. While I wish I could say so I can be more healthy, but in reality it's because I want to look better. Superficial I know. But it's the way it is. I don't know how to motivate myself, but I got to figure it out.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

My Issues with C.M.T.

Ok so I have a "disease" (I hate using that word because it makes it sound worse than it actually is) called C.M.T. It stands for Charcot-Marie-Tooth (named after the 3 scientists who discovered it). It's a periphreal neuropathy which means that the nerves from my spinal cord to the rest of my body are not sending messages from the rest of body to my brain and back again. It's the reason why I fall down on the time. While that is irritating as hell, especially when it involves yet another sprained ankle, but that's not what really bothers me. What bothers me is the pain. It's one of the symptoms. For me it's mostly in my knees and ankles. It gets worse when in rains and when it gets cold (which is one of the main reasons why I hate winter). Today for some reason though it's been my hip. Thank the Lord for heating pads. However, I just wish I didn't have to deal with this!!

For more info click on the following:




Sunday, October 4, 2009

Wedding Weekend in South Carolina

Well this was a very fun weekend. My cousin Mary-Margaret got married to her longtime boyfriend Collin. Wow that was some wedding. My dad called it "The Production" and I think that was pretty accurate. I mean all weddings have a degree of showiness but wow!! But as long as the bride & groom were happy that's all that matters.

It was a Nuptial Mass, which made all of expect a 2 hour ceremony, but it was right at an hour so not bad at all. Mary-Margaret was GORGEOUS! Beautiful dress. The bridesmaids had a beautiful, amber/burnt orange color (hard to describe). All in all a beautiful ceremony.

The best part was afterwards. The reception! Lots of music, good food, and the liquor was flowing! We had a blast and it was SO awesome seeing everyone. I saw a lot of my cousins including my cousin Sarah who is my best friend. The only thing that sucks is since it was a wedding weekend, we didn't have a lot of time to visit. This was true with all of my relatives. But that's ok. It was still great to just have fun and enjoy each others company.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Old School Music

I spent today not exactly being as productive as I should. Well correction, I was productive, but not in anything that I needed to be productive in. I spent a good chunk of my day downloading music. A lot of it was good ole booty bass music from back in the 90s. Then I just started downlaoding all sorts of fun stuff. Anything that came to my mind. So much fun. It was definitely escapism at it's finest. I did apply to some jobs and that type of thing, but there were some other things I needed to do, but didn't. Oh well. In true procrastinators fashion, there is always tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Annoyed with Headaches

I am tired of having headaches. I seem to be getting them more lately. I don't know if it's stress related or something else. I think I maybe grinding my teeth at night like I did before I got braces. All I know is I'm tired of staying up with pain and taking medicine. I don't like to pop pills.

On a good note, no fever so I don't think it's the swine flu.

I'm excited about this weekend. I get to see a good chunk of my mother's side of the family, including my best friend/cousin Sarah. My cousin Mary Margaret is getting married, and any good Langlois wedding is always a LOT of fun!! We dance the night away (especially once the wine and beer kicks in). One of the waiters at my wedding told my mom that we were the "blackest bunch of white people" that he had ever seen. He meant that as a compliment and we took it as one!! I think it's also applicable as that side of the family is known for big butts!!

While I am excited about this weekend, I do have some dred. For one I have put on a good chunk of weight. Scott tells me he thinks I'm beautiful all the time, but I don't feel that way. And this is the side of the family that is very body image conscious. I found a great little black dress though!! I just hope no one says anything. My dad is the worst and it's the most aggravating because he is FAR more out of shape than I am and it's much more dangerous for him as he is over 50.

Another reason for the dred is that I am one of the few liberals in my family. Thanfully I'll have Sarah with me!! I don't mind intelligent debate. I enjoy it actually. But with my family it typically turns to fear mongering and name calling. And most of them are single-issue voters (abortion). I am very much pro-life, but for me I am a multi-issue voter and many of my issues are supported by the Democratic Party.

This is my first blog. I hope it's not too stupid or boring. It's probably going to be a lot like Zach Braff's character on Scrubs with his inner monologue. Oh well. Thus far I am finding it fun and therapeutic!